Sunday, July 14, 2013

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     So what has been going on since my last post?  Started going to The Rush in Asheville while I was working over there and lost almost 20 lbs thanks so my wonderful trainer and my dotfit armband (March to June).  However, I am not good with change, so when I left that job, I wasn't going (it is about 20 miles from the house) anymore.  Good news is that I didn't gain any weight while I was looking for a job...  which I was very surprised about!  I have watched my darling husband lose 45 lbs doing Tony Horton 10-Minute Trainer and now has started Insanity.  I have found a job that I absolutely love and my time is more open in the mornings, so I am going to start doing the 10-Minute trainer in the mornings before I go to work (doing all 3 workouts/per day for a 30 minute session), and on the days there is just one session, I will be doing the Zumba on the Wii.  NOW, that being said, am I going to stop going to the gym??? not at all... I am just going to have the flexibility to not think of the gym as a "have to" and as a "get to" and get to spend some time with my dear friend who started going over there... We will suffer through the Monday Zumba class together... and get to enjoy some grown up time...

     As long as I keep with the supplements N8 picked out for me, and DO NOT EAT after 10pm, I will be doing great, but that little orange monster that they used on the Weight Watchers commercials shows up at my house every night at 10pm and I am craving salty food like a crack head... it is really is pitiful... I know it is all in my head, and I just need to drink my water, and go to bed, and realize that whatever show is on is not as important as the calories I am about to mindlessly eat.  On that note, whoever gave Jeshua the box of Everlasting Gobstoppers this am, I love/hate you.  lol  This is where my inner sugar junkie has presented her ugly self today...

Philippians 1:20   "...and Christ shall be magnified in my body..."