Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Funny How Things Work Out

We have heard it said that it's best to work out with a workout partner, but what if you can't find someone to go to the gym or workout with you???  Where do you find your encouragement, and accountability???  I know some can dig down deep and can do it without help.  I am not one of those people.

I am one of those people who thrives when she can feed off the encouragement (both received and given) of others.  I had prayed for God to put women in my life that can help me grow and not let me stay where I am.
That's where God shows off!  He presented me with not one but two ladies!  They may not live here with me, but thanks to Facebook and the internet we have become close and are able to encourage and support each other.

Encouraging those wonderful ladies keeps me in the gym, and working out.  I know I can't honestly stay home and not workout if these ladies might call me needing to know "if I can, you can".  Staying focused and helping them find helpful information also helps me to see what is out there and keeps my mind on the goal when a huge food temptation shows up or a chance to do something besides go to the gym.

Thank you ladies!!!!

Monday, November 4, 2013

Good and Great

I am going to start a journal.  Not a 'these are my deep personal feelings' journal, but a more focused journal.  I have never been a fan of the mushy kind of journals.

I am going to start an evaluation journal.  1) What did I do that was good, but not great?  2) What can I do to change it for the great?  3) What did I do today that made me feel like a rock star, whether big or little?

I think if I keep the evaluation journal, it can work two fold.  I can keep myself focused on making each step count, and I can look back and see the progress I have made.

Yesterday was a crazy, non-productive work-out day.  However I was able to strengthen some vital relationships, had the confidence to make the right small choices, and was aware of what and how much I ate.

So I could get upset that I had big plans to work out, and they got completely overridden by others needs, OR I could realize that no one is going to remember in the long run whether I worked out that day or not, but they will remember the time we spent together.

I like to think that if I died tomorrow, people would remember how much I cared for others, and was available for those with needs, NOT whether or not I was in shape.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Confidence, Where is it really???

I am reminded of the song "Blowing in the Wind" tonight, only with lyrics changed a bit.  "How many times must I start a workout regimen before I can work through my excuses to find the goal?"

How is it some people can just make a decision for something and just go for it, complete it, and shine?  Or is that just what we see?  Do they also struggle with 'can I do it?', 'will it matter?', 'is this just a yo-yo or can I make actual permanent changes?' that tend to paralyze me?  

I can call it what I want to, give it some fluffy name so I feel better about sitting on the couch not doing anything, but the truth is I lack confidence.  I lack confidence in myself to actually do the work.  I lack confidence that I can make long term changes.  I lack confidence that it will even matter.  I lack confidence that anyone will notice and I won't hear any 'atta girl's.  

However, I am learning.  I am learning that I don't NEED confidence in the long term.  I don't NEED confidence in anyone noticing and hearing affirmations from outside sources.  I don't NEED confidence of me doing the work every day.

I have learned on very long hikes, and some very long workouts, that if I look at the end, I freeze.  However if I look at the moment now.  Now where I can make a choice.  Now where I take each step for what it is: A VITAL PART OF THE JOURNEY!  

I have confidence in choosing water over soda a choice at a time.  Not forever, not tomorrow.  I have confidence in today!.  I have confidence in choosing to pack my lunch instead of going for a baconator, large fries, and large coke.  

If I had stayed constant in my journey, I would not have learned about where my confidence comes from.  I would not have learned EXACTLY what it means to die to myself daily and let Christ live through me.  I would not have been able to feel the completeness of accepting His new mercies, new chances each glorious morning!

So here I am in what I am calling No-Fault November.  We, as women, are so hard on ourselves that this month is going to be about the steps.  Not the destination.  Not next month, Not next week.  Enjoy each step in its own right and every choice is a chance for a do-over!