Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Funny How Things Work Out

We have heard it said that it's best to work out with a workout partner, but what if you can't find someone to go to the gym or workout with you???  Where do you find your encouragement, and accountability???  I know some can dig down deep and can do it without help.  I am not one of those people.

I am one of those people who thrives when she can feed off the encouragement (both received and given) of others.  I had prayed for God to put women in my life that can help me grow and not let me stay where I am.
That's where God shows off!  He presented me with not one but two ladies!  They may not live here with me, but thanks to Facebook and the internet we have become close and are able to encourage and support each other.

Encouraging those wonderful ladies keeps me in the gym, and working out.  I know I can't honestly stay home and not workout if these ladies might call me needing to know "if I can, you can".  Staying focused and helping them find helpful information also helps me to see what is out there and keeps my mind on the goal when a huge food temptation shows up or a chance to do something besides go to the gym.

Thank you ladies!!!!

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