Sunday, February 3, 2013

Be the Tortoise, Not the Hare

At my weigh in this am, I am down 3.4 lbs from last week, for a total of 5.6 lbs in January.  I had one week where I had gained 2.2 lbs, which was a great reminder in how to not lose focus.  Slow and steady wins the race, and by making slow changes to my life instead of a lot of drastic changes I am more likely to stick with them than go back to my old habits and enter the self destructive cycle of action/guilt.

The weather is clearing up, possible warming up, so I can start my training for a 5k that I am now obligated to.  Good and bad thing.  No slacking off now.  Thought about doing the Couch to 5k, and am also looking at the Asheville Beginners Running Program, so I can use my timer and not have to make a lot of changes while I run.  Now to find some different routes around town with hills and the like to build up endurance.

Here goes nothing!


  1. Check out it is free and you can find other peoples routes and make your own. Good luck!

  2. Oh and congratulations on reaching your monthly goal of at loss!! I'm motivated by you!

  3. THANKS!!! That means a huge deal from you! <3 I just had enough of being a talker not a doer, and not doing anything but getting fatter and fatter, so now I am doing the things I have wanted to do and not worrying about who is/used to tell me that I can't. and most of that was an internal conversation. But as my Ms. Candie says: I am changing the tape that plays in my mind about how the women in my family are just "peasant stock" which means short/squatty, and will never be anything but... I refuse to believe it and I am using the resources God has given me to have the most efficient and best operational body that He gave me in the first place. Thanks for answering my blue million questions about running!!! I pray you will be blessed for your patience with me! <3
