Saturday, February 9, 2013

Feeling the Results!!!

I didn't do anything on the Wii yesterday, but I didn't worry about it, because we took the youth to a concert last night and I can not just sit and and listen to music.  I JUST GOTTA DANCE! However, having 8 youth girls at your house is not very good for sleeping.  I ended up with about 3 hrs of sleep last night, and N8 suggested I call and cancel my walk/run with a friend today, but I knew if I took this excuse it would be easier to find another one then another one and so on, which is not going to help me reach 130 by Christmas.  

So I took a nap, was a little late, but off we were!  I impressed myself with how I was able to walk 2 min, run 1 min, and by the 4th run minute I was still able to talk to her!  My one mile even walking/running only took 15 minutes!  That is 4 minutes faster than Tuesday... so excited!

But I am not going to sit on my laurels, next week the mileage goes to 1.5 miles and my walk/run goes to one and one.  Not sure if I want to wait until Tuesday to run, and have 2 days in between so this week may be a Monday/Wed/Friday/Sunday walk/run week, 

I am interested to see what the scale tells me in the morning.  Oh the suspense!  

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