Saturday, February 2, 2013

"Not Someday... Today"

It is amazing how reading a book about something completely unrelated can impact other areas of your life.  I have been reading Wess Stafford's book Too Small to Ignore, and one thing that is radiating through not only the care of children throughout the world, but in my life as well, "Not Someday... Today"

Since my calf was still tender, and the fact that I was up late the night before helping N8 with a paper, I didn't do anything in the way of walk/running.  So today is make-up and  last chance workout day.  Tomorrow is weigh in day!!!  

I went ahead and dropped the number of spoons of  sugar in my coffee this am. Now down to one, not two or three! "Not Someday... Today"

I have agreed with my mentor to run in the White Squirrel 5k on May 27th.  "Not Someday... Today"

N8 also has mapped out a track around the house that is 5k.  It is on the road, so I can't take the boys, but I can do it while they are at school.  "Not Someday... Today"

We are not promised our next breath, so we need to do the best and most we can with each breath we are blessed enough to be given.

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