Thursday, January 31, 2013

Daddy Was Wise

My Daddy always said "A wise man learns from others mistakes".  I once again realized that when my marathon runner friend says "make sure you stretch after you run" and I half way stretch, then I can't walk the next day.

My calf has been my worst enemy today.  I wasn't able to Wii, or walk, much less run today.  But it wasn't a wash!  I learned a valuable lesson...


Wednesday, January 30, 2013

A Little Bit is Better Than Nada

There are just those days when you get a late start, and for me, a late start used to mean a no start.  But now that I am only thinking about one day at a time as far as working out, even a little workout is better than no workout.

Got on the Wii Fit this am to do the daily body test, and it said that I was down 3.3 lbs.  Now that is great for my motivation, but I don't write down my weight loss changes until the official weigh in day (Sunday, 830 am, in the bathroom right before shower).  Also seeing that -3.3 this am put me in the mindset to do something I would have never done before... EVER!

It is raining pretty good here today, not a frog strangling rain, but a good bit coming down.  I had the little back and forth in my head about do I want to walk/run the mile track or do I not since it is raining.  Which led to God leading me to "Did you take a day off when you were sitting around not doing anything with the body I gave you?" ugh, humbled!  So I got N8's Columbia rain jacket from the closet, grabbed the dog and off I went!

I may never run without my dog again. Moose is such a champ!  At first I saw him looking at me like "seriously, mom... in the rain???"  then when I started running, (which was less than my goal, but more than yesterday), I saw him looking at me to say "Mom, are you doing okay?  I am here for you"  I just love that dog.  <3

Additional goal:  White Squirrel 5k  May 27th as a dry run for the Firecracker 5k in July!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

One Day at a Time, Sweet Jesus

Looking at each day, and only each day as it comes, I feel like I can better work in my workouts.  Today I was able to get in a Wii workout, work at the church, and then a walk/run for about 1.2 miles with the dog.  All before I went to volunteer in Jeshua's class.

Felt like a champ!!!

Now to figure out how to not be hungry after I have worked out so I don't ruin all the hard work with grazing.  

Monday, January 28, 2013

Why Is It So Hard?

The rule I have always heard is "It takes 21 days to develop a new habit."  Maybe for some it is easy, and those 21 days FLY by, but for others (me), thinking in blocks of 21 days feels like an eternity, and completely overwhelming!

The idea of planning workouts for the week, locking in times, and making sure the boys are otherwise entertained seems to be too constraining and leaves me no room for adjustments.  So now I am adjusting my goals into smaller bites.

Main Goal: weigh 130 lbs/Christmas

Monthly goal: lose 6 lbs/month

Weekly goal:  lose 1.5 lbs/week

Now that works out to be about .2 lbs a day.  Where I get messed up is I can do that depending on how much water I drink, or how much I eat, but it isn't consistent 

So instead of yearly, monthly, or weekly goals, I have to make daily goals for myself.

1)  some type of workout everyday (Wii, dvd w/N8, running with boys)

2)  I am fasting from Carbs this week.  Carbs are my comfort food.  Instead of going to God for my comfort, I go to bread, & pasta.  That goes directly against #1 (Shall have no idols above me).  I am learning that anything, ANYTHING I put before God is an idol.  (which gave a hard hit to my tv time).

3) Decrease my coffee sugar to 1 spoon of sugar.  For the last two weeks, I have gone from 3 spoons to 2 spoons of sugar, and with the right creamer, I may get to no sugar, but let's not get crazy at this point. :-)

Thank you for reading this and keeping me honest.  As I learned from some amazing ladies that were in my life during my season as a Mary Kay consultant, I have to do the work and let God handle the results.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Be Aware!

It is always good to be aware of your triggers, your surrounding and how you tick.  I have realized that if I work out in the morning, I will drink water all day.  If I do not work out in the am, I tend to stick with whatever I am drinking, whether it is coffee (with sugar, and cream), or juice (with natural sugars, but sugar nonetheless).  This is where taking care of the rock priority (working out) takes care of the pebble priority (drinking water).

Bottom line:  Learn as much as you can about YOU so you know the path to become what you want to become.  I know that I want to become 130, so I am learning what I can eat, what I cannot, and how to keep me focused.

Freebie:  F.O.C.U.S:  Follow One Course Until Success  :-)  I will follow the course of healthier living until I have a lifestyle that is consistent with my goal of being a fit and healthy 130!

Monday, January 21, 2013

Boxing Ain't No Joke!

Okay, so it was Wii boxing, and my opponent was 6, but still!!!  We went 3 separate matches and now I am worn out!  Brawley and I played Wii sports, did all 5 sports, it took about 45 minutes.  I was slightly disappointed that baseball was only 3 innings, (I was getting ready for 9), but my batting arm was about to catch a cramp.  haha  I guess I need to work out more with him. Brawley about killed me.  Now I have to remember to do the free step/free run during the Biggest Loser tonight at 8pm.  YAY!  

Working Out With The Hubs

I weighed in this week at .6 up from last week.  I have only myself to blame.  I have not scheduled my workouts like I needed to due to my schedule and thinking, I will get to it later.  I have learned that if I don't workout in the am, a serious workout is not going to get done.  While I don't consider myself a morning person, I get too busy in the afternoons to work in a work out (that made me laugh a little).

I read on a blog that our priorities are like stones we try to fit in a jar.  If we fill the small ones in first, we can't fit the big ones.  However if we fill it with the large ones first (our most high priority items), the little ones will fill in around it.  Right now my main priorities are my daily time with God, my workouts, and my work (cleaning our church).  While I love volunteering in my boys classrooms, I may have to reevaluate the time I invest.

N8 has looked at my blue million workout dvd's and has come up with a plan for us.  While I love having something we are doing together to benefit our health and reach our goals, I am afraid he may kill me with his drive and not letting me off the hook.  On top of that, in order for us to work out together while he is still in school, I am going to have to get up EARLY!  Not looking forward to that, but who knows, it may mess around and be a good thing. I need to work out before I spend time with God when I get up that early anyway or I will fall asleep and that would just be rude.

On a good note, I have decreased my sugar intake, and have still not had any Coke!  One did stare me down the other day, but I remembered how slippery a slope that is for me.  Cokes are not going to get me to 130!!!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Remember the Alamo! (so to speak)

Last night I did a bad/good thing.  I had my special and now disgusting popcorn.  I now know that I will not be having that ever again.  I discovered how miserable it made me feel, not only last night, but also this morning.  It was so bad last night that I had thought about making myself throw up to just get rid of the calories and the horrible feeling I had in my stomach, but I REALLY don't like throwing up.  Important mile marker reached: a once staple food at least a couple times a week is now disgusting and I know I will never have that again.  

I haven't been doing as much on the Wii Fit Plus lately because I have been doing 4 hours of cleaning yesterday and will go do that today.  I figure that is pretty good since it is making me sweat.  I have been making sure to decrease my sugar and increase my water.  

Making/Keeping some little changes to see the big changes!  


Monday, January 14, 2013

I Miss Tennis

Yesterday, I weighed in and have lost 2.6 lbs, for a total of 4 lbs!!!  Woo Hoo... it always helps to stay motivated when you see results, no matter how small.  Now if I can just get the Wii Fit scale and the bathroom scale to match, I would feel alot better.

Taking those day off really made a difference in my stamina.  I felt like I couldn't keep up near as much as I could before the chest congestion took hold.  I am going to do 20 minutes of cardio and then some strength training/yoga in the am this week and see how I feel and weight loss results.

Going to revive my love for tennis this spring, summer.  I have family that plays so I won't have to play by myself or with strangers.  Once again, the Wii has started something good.

I read Lie #3 on not consumed about how food is my happy and all the effects too much sugar does to our body.  So my goal for this week is to not eat based on feelings, and to decrease my sugar level in my coffee by 1 spoon (that has been rough).  While I don't like my coffee one sugar lighter, I don't like being 196 a lot more!!!

This is the last time I will weigh this much!!!

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Down, but Not Out!!!

This chest congestion is kicking my booty! While it may be keeping me from working out, because I have a hard time catching my breath, I am making sure to do little things purposefully to increase my steps, and increase some activity in my day.  Decreasing my sugar, watching my calories, and increasing my steps.  Just remembering basic math is keeping me focus.  My output needs to be larger than my input and my total mass will decrease.

I WILL DO THIS!!!  Hopefully this chest thing will take its mucus and move on soon.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Moving On Up

I am working to adjust my work out schedule to get the most bang for my buck, so to speak.  I know I can get overconfident and overdo it right out of the gate, so I am working to pace myself and not use any of my dvd's until February.  So now the question becomes, is it more productive to do aerobics/yoga & strength training all at once, or one in the am and one before bed.  Then it becomes which it do when.  My chest is still pretty tight, but I did okay this am.  I did aerobics and at the end of the time had burn 192.  I couldn't leave it with just 8 calories to go to 200, so I had to do one more activity (love me some Kung Fu).

This week, going to try aerobics in the am, strength training/yoga in the evening, and see what happens...

Here goes nothing....  :-)

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

And on the Seventh Day: Rest

I finally decided to listen to my body today and took the day off.  I didn't do any workout, but I still watched what I ate, and got some fruit for my late night snacks.  I kept my water up, and didn't have the unhealthy snack during youth group tonight.  Taking the day off does make me a little antsy to get up and get going again!!!

Tomorrow's workout may get up to 50 minutes with Lucy.  Oh, by the way, when Fred says he is filling in for Lucy on the Wii, just where has she gone?  Just my question of the day.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Lessons Learned!

I am so glad I do not have a job as a juggler.  Not sure if I was my schedule or my self control that was out of whack today, but I totally dropped the ball today, at least this evening.  I didn't get my evening workout in, or get home in time to do my Free Step while watching TV.  Our ladies Bible study group started back up this evening and of course got home way too late to do anything, but wasn't feeling up to doing anything between the kids leaving and going to spend time with the ladies.

I thought about planning better for lunch, but ran out of time (as we all tend to do), ended up starving.  I had a grapefruit without sugar (since I am out of it) and realized it was actually really good.  A grapefruit at 4, while tasty, is not very filling.  It was at that in between time between lunch and supper, you know... too far from one and not close enough to the other, for a big snack I tried to tell myself.  I ended up for 10 minutes snacking on Baked Lays.  The jury is still out on how bad that was.  Then at my ladies group tonight I had more sugar than I should have, and more coffee probably, and now my stomach is not happy with me.

LESSONS LEARNED:  Ladies meetings: take my water, eat smart when I have a chance instead of waiting till I am hungry and not having anything smart to eat.


Don't Get Discouraged

Well, I weighed in this morning, and only lost 1.6lbs.  Not what I was hoping for, but a loss is a loss.  Good points are I am a little ahead of schedule of being at 130 by Christmas and I am feeling muscles beginning to firm up.  This week I am going to step it up calorie burn wise.  Focus more on aerobics and sweating, and add more strength/yoga training.  Now that I found the Free Step, will do that for about 1hr before bed (I slept so good last night).  This is just a start, just forming habits, not doing major changes at this point.  February, IT IS ON!

Monday, January 7, 2013

Last Chance Workout

Okay, maybe I am watching the Biggest Loser too much at this point, but I just completed 80 minutes on the Free Step Program on the Wii Fit Plus.  I knew it was alot when even the Wii was telling me that I was going to sleep good tonight; but I am weighing in tomorrow am, on the same scale that gave me the 200.0 on 1/1/13.  The Wii said I lost 4.4lbs, but it is a different scale, and on carpet, so that isn't the same at all, so just to be sure, same scale, same time of day, same clothes, same floor.  Then at least if it is off, at least it will be off the same amount hopefully.

Things I have noticed since I have started working out: I drink alot more water, I am not craving the junk/crap food I was eating before, I was not dog tired at 3pm today, I feel myself holding my stomach in throughout the day like I used to do when I was 130, and finally, I find myself parking far away from doors instead of driving around looking for the closest spot.  :-)

Extra motivation:  don't tell anyone, but I think my Mom doesn't think I can get to 130 by Christmas.  Just watch Momma, just watch!

Loving the New Habit in the Making

Had a great workout this am courtesy of Lucy.  Set my time at 40 minutes instead of 30.  I realized I must be doing something right because I didn't say one hateful thing to Lucy this am!  I was quite proud of myself.  :-)  I am starting to plan when to set up a little more challenging workouts in the mornings.  Not sure if I want to start doing my Biggest Loser dvd's or my Billy Banks dvd's, or find Zumba or something on the Wii.  I will have to research that one first.

We had a repair man come by for the fridge today while I was working out on the Wii, and N8 asked me if I cared.  My attitude now is I didn't mind anyone seeing me eat my way to 200, so I really don't care about anyone seeing me workout.  I had a ragged tshirt on and some big fleece pants, so I didn't care.  Right now, 130 is more important than who thinks what about it.

Found Free Step on the Wii Fit so I am going to be able to being doing something while I watch the Biggest Loser tonight instead of eating an entire HUGE bowl of popcorn.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Got to Control the Busyness

Ever have those days where you have a plan, and it is a good plan; then the plan goes right down the drain?  Well that was my day today, darn it.  Planned to do the 90 min P90X stretch after church, which turned into getting ice for food since our fridge went out.  Planned to work out before The Biggest Loser, which turned into fixing supper for the boys and herding them through showers.

BUT IT'S ALL GOOD, b/c I got my workout in this am, and tomorrow is another day to get it right!  My win for the day though is while the youth tonight were grazing and drinking Coke, I STAYED STRONG!  In the big scheme of things, that might not be a big deal, but when I focus on how good 130 is going to feel, it is easy to say no.  I just flash back to the days of Nancy Reagan:  JUST SAY NO!

Can't wait to sweat with Lucy in the morning.

Sunday going Slow but Not Off!

I may be doing a bit much when even the Wii tell me to take Sunday off! However, I never took a day off when I was grazing a packing on all the junk weight, so I am going to take a slower day, but not an off day.  I am not at the point where I can trust myself to take a day off and go back right on schedule.  With that in mind, I still got up at 7:50, but only did the stretching yoga on the Wii.  We finally remembered to get our P90X back, so N8 and I are going to do the 90 min stretching video today.  I am super excited!!!  That is the only one that doesn't have me yelling at the guy from Lazytown, okay well it is Tony Horton, but N8 and I always see the guy from Lazytown.  :-)  Then it will be a yoga evening, then back at it in the am!!!

Saturday, January 5, 2013

I Don't Wanna, but I Gotta Kind of Day

We have all had those kinds of day where what we have to do and what we want to do line up like pretty little ducks in a row.  Tonight, I couldn't even find my ducks; they were M.I.A.

This morning was great, went to Jeshua's game, then off to visit with an older gentleman in the church.  No time to go home and fix lunch, so what to do?  I refused to go through a drive through, so we went to the store for lunchables.  I made sure to get the one with fruit, but then had to decide between turkey or pb&j.  I looked at both nutritional information to find the turkey one had 310 calories, and the pb&j had about 500.  Then it was off to the movie, which was amazing!  We bought bottled waters, and I took a super small ziplock container of Momma's Christmas Chex Mix, (filling, free, and full of momma love).  Since it was a long movie, it was supper time when we got out.  Ended up going through Taco Bell, where I got the Cantina  Bowl.  It was huge, so I only ended up eating half of it.  Then I went to look at the caloric count.  Boy was I glad I only ate half.  1 serving again was about 500 calories.

Maybe it was what I did or did not eat today, but about 7:15 I was done!  Head and eyes hurt like a migraine.  N8 heated up some coffee for me to hopefully take the edge off and give me a boost for my nighttime workout.  Only drank half of a small cup, was SO ready for bed, and almost went.  However I know me, and I know if I let myself out of one small workout, it would be easier the next time to rationalize my way out of the next one, and that is how we got to 200 in the first place.

At 9:15pm, I had a date with Lucy, my Wii trainer, and I am so glad she can't hear me talk to her.  I would not have been a fun client tonight.  BUT I WAS THERE AND DID IT!!!  I am so glad I did.  One more workout toward my goal!  I will be sleeping a little more confident, and a little less guilty than I would have if I had punked out of the workout... Zzzzzzzzzz

It's a Good Morning!!!

I was up at 7:45 am, and working out at 8am.  Realizing I need to do some stretching after I work out.  I tried to sit up a little while getting settled into bed last night and couldn't hardly sit up, (Thank you Wii Jack knife).  Good thing though, the Wii is starting to give me different exercises.  I did the body test last night, and it said I lost 4.4lbs!!!  I tested previously in the am and then tested last night, which I thought was even more awesome because you tend to weigh more in the evening than in the morning, so big win last night!!!  I think I am going to start doing body tests on the Wii in the evening and weighing in on the house scale once a week in the am.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Day is Done, Gone the Sun

I have heard you can learn something new everyday.  Today I learned that letting the Wii pick my workout is a good/bad thing.  While the good part is my trainer, who I have yet to name, will pick out the exercises that kill me and that I would avoid if I were picking, that is also the bad part.  I can only plank for so long at this point, lady!  What makes it easy?  Knowing that Jeshua will get down there and do them with me.  Knowing that I refuse to stay where I am weight wise.  Knowing they will see Mama making healthier choices that will hopefully be instilled in them before they even realize it, haha.

In honor of The Biggest Loser starting up Sunday, I will have my first major temptation tomorrow afternoon. Anyone who knows me at least semi-well, knows I should start PA (popcorn anonymous).  N8 is taking me to the movies tomorrow.  Can anyone else say movie theater butter popcorn?  Mmmmmmmmm.   However, trying to stay true to my goal, I looked up online the calories in said popcorn.  In a small bag, which does vary from theater to theater, it can have 550 calories PER BAG.  Well no wonder!  Out of sheer curiousness, I looked at a large bowl of popcorn, which I have been known to get from time to time and eat entirely by myself, and it said if I remember correctly 1500 calories.  How in the world can I sit and wonder what happened?  Being uninformed and having no self-control.  That is what happened.  So January is the month of the fruit of self-control.  (Galatians 5:22-23)

Funny, it just hit me.  I may be originally thinking I am merely changing my weight, but God may be doing a lot more behind the scenes.  He is so clever that way.  I love that about Him.  <3

Eating Good in the Whited Neighborhood

So, I decided to feed Jeshua after he had a great basketball practice tonight.  We got to have a discussion about why splitting a footlong from Subway was a better choice than a hot & ready pizza.  While they are both $5, the caloric count is way different, which was good to say (and hear).  We went with chicken, and then got to split halves because I do not like jalepenos, lol.  I went with spinach, lite mayo, cucumbers, black olives, parm and oregano and baked Lay's.  Jeshua got a drink, but I drank my water from the house.  I feel like a win!!!!  May not be a total win, but in the right direction.

Jeshua is a Great Motivator!!!

Putting Jeshua in charge of making sure I am working out was a great idea.  N8 and Jeshua went out to scout for deer (teaching Jeshua how) this am; they got back at 8:30, to which Jeshua told N8 "Mama better be in there sweating when we get home!".  Since Brawley was cuddling with me, I wasn't sweating at 8:30.  However, it did add incentive for making sure I did my workout this am.  11:00 started the workout and at 12 decided to "play" with the boys so I could get some more active time in.  Now if I can keep N8 doing the food, I will have a sporting chance.

While I realize that just doing Wii Fit is not going to get me to my goal, January is about setting up some new habits and routines.  So once I am in the habit of working out at least once a day, I can start stepping up the intensity of the workout.  I also can't wait for it to warm up so I can take it outside.    :-)

Thursday, January 3, 2013

A Change Could Do You Good!

10:15 pm used to be, for more years than I care to admit, popcorn time.  Go pop a bag, then melt about 1/2 stick of butter, pour on top, grab a towel to wipe my fingers on, sit down and eat the whole thing... but that life is over!!!  The idea of being 130 again is way more important than the blue million empty calories I ate because I was bored. I have scheduled my Wii Fit time with the boys who are going to be my young crazy accountability partners and I have a wonderful husband who picked me up some Craisins pomegranate, blueberries, and a mix of craisins, raisins, and golden raisins.  At this point, I know I am not disciplined enough to pick out my own late night snacks, but I know what I CAN'T have.  At this point I am identifying my triggers, along with the why, so I can understand and either stay away from or change my triggers for salty, fattening snacks that got me in the shape I am in now.  ROUND!  Not what I ever had in mind at 35.  But I am not dead, and I have an amazing God who gives me the strength, knowledge, and people to help me start taking better care of His temple.  IT'S A NEW DAY!!!

Goal for 2013

I grabbed the calculator and did some figuring.  My goal weight is 130, and as of this am, I am at 200 (per Wii Body Test).  I need to lose about 2lb/week to reach my goal by Christmas.  Merry Christmas to me, a new lifestyle that I can be proud of!

It's the end of the world as I've known it, and I feel fine!

Today starts Jessy getting serious.  I weigh more now than I did when I delivered my boys, and that is not acceptable anymore.  I was in denial as long as I was in the 100's... even if I was hanging on to them by a thread.  However, when I rang in the new year at 200, I knew that was my breaking point.  I have always "thought" about losing weight since I was in the 160's, but not enough to do anything about it.  So it crept, and crept, and crept.  I eat because I am bored.  I eat because I am upset.  I eat because I am happy.  In America, we eat for everything.  Good, bad, or just because.  We take it for granted that food is readily accessible.  We tend to forget how many close countries have citizens who go hungry EVERY DAY.  So I found a friend for a "running buddy", (not to the point of actually running, yet), are reading the Not Consumed By Food blog, which is a 12 week study in retraining our thinking about food.  I realized there is no reason I need to stay at 200, other than just being lazy.  Is that what I want my boys to learn is okay?  Do I want them to learn the lazy, unhealthy ways to eat?  Absolutely not!!  So now is the time to make that difference.  When they can learn from mom that yes, grown up make mistakes, but they can be fixed.  This is the year for the new Jessy, or bringing back the younger, more fit Jessy that is well padded.  This is no longer okay to be 200 and unhealthy and there is no GOOD excuse for it.  SO THIS ENDS NOW!!