Thursday, January 3, 2013

A Change Could Do You Good!

10:15 pm used to be, for more years than I care to admit, popcorn time.  Go pop a bag, then melt about 1/2 stick of butter, pour on top, grab a towel to wipe my fingers on, sit down and eat the whole thing... but that life is over!!!  The idea of being 130 again is way more important than the blue million empty calories I ate because I was bored. I have scheduled my Wii Fit time with the boys who are going to be my young crazy accountability partners and I have a wonderful husband who picked me up some Craisins pomegranate, blueberries, and a mix of craisins, raisins, and golden raisins.  At this point, I know I am not disciplined enough to pick out my own late night snacks, but I know what I CAN'T have.  At this point I am identifying my triggers, along with the why, so I can understand and either stay away from or change my triggers for salty, fattening snacks that got me in the shape I am in now.  ROUND!  Not what I ever had in mind at 35.  But I am not dead, and I have an amazing God who gives me the strength, knowledge, and people to help me start taking better care of His temple.  IT'S A NEW DAY!!!

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