Friday, January 4, 2013

Day is Done, Gone the Sun

I have heard you can learn something new everyday.  Today I learned that letting the Wii pick my workout is a good/bad thing.  While the good part is my trainer, who I have yet to name, will pick out the exercises that kill me and that I would avoid if I were picking, that is also the bad part.  I can only plank for so long at this point, lady!  What makes it easy?  Knowing that Jeshua will get down there and do them with me.  Knowing that I refuse to stay where I am weight wise.  Knowing they will see Mama making healthier choices that will hopefully be instilled in them before they even realize it, haha.

In honor of The Biggest Loser starting up Sunday, I will have my first major temptation tomorrow afternoon. Anyone who knows me at least semi-well, knows I should start PA (popcorn anonymous).  N8 is taking me to the movies tomorrow.  Can anyone else say movie theater butter popcorn?  Mmmmmmmmm.   However, trying to stay true to my goal, I looked up online the calories in said popcorn.  In a small bag, which does vary from theater to theater, it can have 550 calories PER BAG.  Well no wonder!  Out of sheer curiousness, I looked at a large bowl of popcorn, which I have been known to get from time to time and eat entirely by myself, and it said if I remember correctly 1500 calories.  How in the world can I sit and wonder what happened?  Being uninformed and having no self-control.  That is what happened.  So January is the month of the fruit of self-control.  (Galatians 5:22-23)

Funny, it just hit me.  I may be originally thinking I am merely changing my weight, but God may be doing a lot more behind the scenes.  He is so clever that way.  I love that about Him.  <3

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