Friday, January 4, 2013

Jeshua is a Great Motivator!!!

Putting Jeshua in charge of making sure I am working out was a great idea.  N8 and Jeshua went out to scout for deer (teaching Jeshua how) this am; they got back at 8:30, to which Jeshua told N8 "Mama better be in there sweating when we get home!".  Since Brawley was cuddling with me, I wasn't sweating at 8:30.  However, it did add incentive for making sure I did my workout this am.  11:00 started the workout and at 12 decided to "play" with the boys so I could get some more active time in.  Now if I can keep N8 doing the food, I will have a sporting chance.

While I realize that just doing Wii Fit is not going to get me to my goal, January is about setting up some new habits and routines.  So once I am in the habit of working out at least once a day, I can start stepping up the intensity of the workout.  I also can't wait for it to warm up so I can take it outside.    :-)

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