Sunday, January 6, 2013

Got to Control the Busyness

Ever have those days where you have a plan, and it is a good plan; then the plan goes right down the drain?  Well that was my day today, darn it.  Planned to do the 90 min P90X stretch after church, which turned into getting ice for food since our fridge went out.  Planned to work out before The Biggest Loser, which turned into fixing supper for the boys and herding them through showers.

BUT IT'S ALL GOOD, b/c I got my workout in this am, and tomorrow is another day to get it right!  My win for the day though is while the youth tonight were grazing and drinking Coke, I STAYED STRONG!  In the big scheme of things, that might not be a big deal, but when I focus on how good 130 is going to feel, it is easy to say no.  I just flash back to the days of Nancy Reagan:  JUST SAY NO!

Can't wait to sweat with Lucy in the morning.

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