Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Lessons Learned!

I am so glad I do not have a job as a juggler.  Not sure if I was my schedule or my self control that was out of whack today, but I totally dropped the ball today, at least this evening.  I didn't get my evening workout in, or get home in time to do my Free Step while watching TV.  Our ladies Bible study group started back up this evening and of course got home way too late to do anything, but wasn't feeling up to doing anything between the kids leaving and going to spend time with the ladies.

I thought about planning better for lunch, but ran out of time (as we all tend to do), ended up starving.  I had a grapefruit without sugar (since I am out of it) and realized it was actually really good.  A grapefruit at 4, while tasty, is not very filling.  It was at that in between time between lunch and supper, you know... too far from one and not close enough to the other, for a big snack I tried to tell myself.  I ended up for 10 minutes snacking on Baked Lays.  The jury is still out on how bad that was.  Then at my ladies group tonight I had more sugar than I should have, and more coffee probably, and now my stomach is not happy with me.

LESSONS LEARNED:  Ladies meetings: take my water, eat smart when I have a chance instead of waiting till I am hungry and not having anything smart to eat.


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