Wednesday, January 30, 2013

A Little Bit is Better Than Nada

There are just those days when you get a late start, and for me, a late start used to mean a no start.  But now that I am only thinking about one day at a time as far as working out, even a little workout is better than no workout.

Got on the Wii Fit this am to do the daily body test, and it said that I was down 3.3 lbs.  Now that is great for my motivation, but I don't write down my weight loss changes until the official weigh in day (Sunday, 830 am, in the bathroom right before shower).  Also seeing that -3.3 this am put me in the mindset to do something I would have never done before... EVER!

It is raining pretty good here today, not a frog strangling rain, but a good bit coming down.  I had the little back and forth in my head about do I want to walk/run the mile track or do I not since it is raining.  Which led to God leading me to "Did you take a day off when you were sitting around not doing anything with the body I gave you?" ugh, humbled!  So I got N8's Columbia rain jacket from the closet, grabbed the dog and off I went!

I may never run without my dog again. Moose is such a champ!  At first I saw him looking at me like "seriously, mom... in the rain???"  then when I started running, (which was less than my goal, but more than yesterday), I saw him looking at me to say "Mom, are you doing okay?  I am here for you"  I just love that dog.  <3

Additional goal:  White Squirrel 5k  May 27th as a dry run for the Firecracker 5k in July!


  1. So inspired! I bailed on my run this morning BC of high winds (>20). But I promised to take "Luke" on a 4 miler this afternoon. Wind or no wind.

  2. you can't bail, I am keeping up with you... you are my measuring stick, Ms. I run 20 miles a day... :-) no pressure!
