Monday, January 21, 2013

Working Out With The Hubs

I weighed in this week at .6 up from last week.  I have only myself to blame.  I have not scheduled my workouts like I needed to due to my schedule and thinking, I will get to it later.  I have learned that if I don't workout in the am, a serious workout is not going to get done.  While I don't consider myself a morning person, I get too busy in the afternoons to work in a work out (that made me laugh a little).

I read on a blog that our priorities are like stones we try to fit in a jar.  If we fill the small ones in first, we can't fit the big ones.  However if we fill it with the large ones first (our most high priority items), the little ones will fill in around it.  Right now my main priorities are my daily time with God, my workouts, and my work (cleaning our church).  While I love volunteering in my boys classrooms, I may have to reevaluate the time I invest.

N8 has looked at my blue million workout dvd's and has come up with a plan for us.  While I love having something we are doing together to benefit our health and reach our goals, I am afraid he may kill me with his drive and not letting me off the hook.  On top of that, in order for us to work out together while he is still in school, I am going to have to get up EARLY!  Not looking forward to that, but who knows, it may mess around and be a good thing. I need to work out before I spend time with God when I get up that early anyway or I will fall asleep and that would just be rude.

On a good note, I have decreased my sugar intake, and have still not had any Coke!  One did stare me down the other day, but I remembered how slippery a slope that is for me.  Cokes are not going to get me to 130!!!

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